Lamps Plus Designs Brighten Sets Created by Set Decorator Brandi Kalish in Anticipated Second Season of Dead to Me
Emmy® award-nominated Set Decorator also used company’s lighting and furniture in seasons 5 and 6 of award-winning Silicon Valley on HBO
LOS ANGELES – May 4, 2020 – Lamps Plus products will continue to illuminate a frequently viewed home – this one belonging to the main character in the highly anticipated second season of Dead to Me, debuting May 8 on Netflix. Brandi Kalish, the show’s Set Decorator, sourced products from Lamps Plus for both Seasons 1 and 2.

As most Americans are quarantined in their homes and seeking entertainment, streaming viewership continues to grow, adding to the enthusiasm for the Dead to Me Season 2 debut. In the award-nominated show’s first season, Kalish used Lamps Plus fixtures in the foyer, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and exterior of the home owned by main character Jen Harding, played by Christina Applegate. Kalish also used barstools and a sectional sofa from Lamps Plus in the kitchen and living room, respectively.

Kalish gave insight on her inspirations for set decoration and her goals for Season 2. “When I’m decorating a set, I use the character in the script as direction toward what lighting, furniture and decor will be used in that environment.” Noted Kalish, “We always have to be mindful of the continuity of the sets, from season to season. That said, my goal is to always think deeply about the character and how that person is evolving in the story. My goal for this upcoming second season was to bring the sets alive with color, style and taste, plus give the actors every possible chance to collaborate with the set and to creatively represent the script.”

Lamps Plus products on the first season of Dead to Me included the following designs: • Ivon Black Chandelier • Possini Euro Gable Black Modern Chandelier • Ivon Entry Pendant Light • Possini Euro Arlo Chrome Pendant Light • Roark Swivel Barstool
Said Lamps Plus Founder and CEO Dennis Swanson, “With stay-at-home orders, our customers are looking for entertainment while they continue to improve their homes. The Dead to Me sets created by Brandi are beautifully designed, with our products adding to the nuances and the sets have really become a crucial part of the show. The main character and her family are believable because their home’s interior design makes sense for them.”

“We’ve admired the sets created by Brandi on some of the best shows and we’re impressed by the way she uses our products. We value our customers and we’re glad to see when talented set decorators like Brandi make spaces that take on unique and often inspiring designs,” Swanson said. A number of other major brands, including those in security, technology and apparel, were seen throughout the first season, creating realism.
Kalish was also the Set Decorator for Seasons 5 and 6 of the award-winning HBO series Silicon Valley, creating the Pied Piper office and other memorable sets that were crucial to the fan favorite show’s storylines. She was nominated for a 2018 Primetime Emmy for Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Program on Silicon Valley. On Silicon Valley, she also utilized Lamps Plus lighting and furniture throughout those sets including the Tremont industrial lamp and the Todd table lamp.
Set decorators are frequent Lamps Plus customers. “Lamps Plus really understands the needs of the entertainment industry,” said Kalish. “As a Set Decorator, it is really fun to shop with them. They have the most exciting and unique selection. Their online presence is hugely helpful. My buyers and I always need a certain quantity of pieces quickly and are grateful for their thorough and hugely accessible web presence to accommodate our needs.”
About Brandi Kalish Brandi: Kalish is an Emmy® award-nominated Set Decorator of popular television shows, including Silicon Valley and Dead to Me. Kalish also co-owns Studio Arts, a contemporary art gallery specializing in art, furniture, and decor rentals for the motion picture industry. She is currently working on the set decoration for the upcoming season of American Horror Story. Along with her Set Decorator work, Kalish handles several interior design projects each year based on inquiries from show colleagues. She also frequently receives messages from viewers asking how she designed a look on set so they can replicate the design in their homes.
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