
Terms & conditions for user generated content
Sharing Lamps Plus

We're always thrilled when our customers and fans share images of our designs on their social media and web pages.

To spread the love, we'd like to share the images you've created on our social pages, website, brand communications, and more. We will be sure to credit you by your username or name whenever your image is featured.

If we've reached out to you, or if you'd like to have your content considered for feature use by us, use the hashtags #MyLampsPlus and #LampsPlusYes in your posts or comments. By doing so you are giving Lamps Plus the permission to share your image or images. Please review our full terms and conditions for sharing below.

User Content Use

Lamps Plus Inc., ("Company") may periodically contact You ("User") in an effort to receive consent to share Social Media Content ("Content") that has been published. Such Content is restricted to that which has been published on User's social media platforms ("Platforms") and which includes product (s) sold by Company. Platforms include, but are not limited to, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.

By agreeing to allow Company to share the Content, User agrees to these Terms and Conditions.


User grants Company, its affiliates, subsidiaries, successors and assigns, a non-exclusive license to reproduce the Content to promote Company and its products in all media and formats whether now or later known or developed, online or offline (ex. catalog, postcard), including on any Platform. Should User be incorporated in Content, User gives an unconditional release to use his or her image, name, likeness, voice in the Content.

Such license is granted without the expectation, now or in the future, of any compensation and remains in effect in perpetuity.


User waives his or her right to approve the Content prior to it being shared on Company Platforms or on Company website.

Representations and Warranties

User represents and warrants that:

  1. He or She is at least eighteen (18) years of age and no guardian consent is required.
  2. The Content is Original.
    1. If Content is not fully original, User has received written consent from owner(s) of the Content portion (s) that are not original to properly share the Content.
  3. Any additional individual(s) featured in Content have given written consent and release to use their image, name, likeness, voice in the Content.
  4. The Content is free from any malware, virus, Trojan, worm, or any other harmful computer program that has the intent to disrupt, destroy, or otherwise cause damage to Company, Company social media followers/fans, or other Users.
  5. The Content does not and will not violate any applicable laws, and is not and will not be defamatory or libelous.

User hereby acknowledges that the Content is free from any copyright infringement and releases Company from any and all claims, demands, and liabilities arising out of or in connection with any and all claims, demands, or liabilities for invasion of privacy, infringement of the right of publicity, defamation (including libel and slander) and any other personal and/or property rights.


User hereby indemnifies Client and undertakes and hold it harmless against any and all actions, claims, demands, lawsuits, loss, cost, damages, judgments, liabilities, license fees, settlement or expenses incurred, claims, obtained or sustained including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and cost of any nature whatsoever whether in law or in equity for copyright infringement or misappropriation arising solely out of the identity and validity of the rights to the Content published by User.

Release of Liability

User agrees that Company and any Platform shall not be responsible or liable for any losses, damages, or injuries of any kind resulting from Company's use of your Content in accordance with these Terms. User hereby releases Company and any Platform from and against any liability, including, resulting from Company's use of your Content in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.