Wall Art

Wall Art

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Free Shipping* on all wall art. From canvas to cast metal, framed to floral paintings, find decorative wall decor and artful designs to enhance your space.

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Twisted Sunburst 60" Wide Metal Wall Art
$103.99 Clearance
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With both first time homeowners to the seasoned DIY pros, one of the most common questions we receive is, "How do I hang my new wall art so it looks best?" The basic rule of museums is to hang pictures at eye level so the center is 57" high. In the home however, this rule can be broken to maintain an intimate connection with the artwork and allow for a smooth visual flow throughout the room. Try hanging pictures 5 to 6 inches above shelves and tables and at eye-level above seating and couches. Remember to always use your own best judgment to keep the look proportionate. Another tip is to hang multiple wall art pieces in odd-numbers, as these groupings generally look more pleasing and "arranged" to the eye. Lastly, browse our wide selection of picture lights or check out our entire selection of lighting to ensure that your collection is shown in the best light. Contact us for more ideas or for help in choosing your new wall art!